YOU salon makes Hair Donation to California Oil Spill Cleanup…
As you may know there has been a major oil spill off the coast of California. YOU salon will be donating hair clippings to Matter of Trust, specifically their Clean Wave program. They use clippings of hair to stuff booms
Check out your before & afters on our #yousalon page! #yousalon in your after posts on facebook, twitter, or instragram and be a star on our page! #YOU salon
5 Things your Stylist does for a Perfect Finish
Here is how it goes. You visit the salon. You get a great style that is finished smooth and shiny, healthy and vibrant. Then you go home and wash your hair only to find that you have dried your amazing new style into a
7 ways to Get What you Want from your Designer
Whether it is your first visit or your fiftieth with your Designer, a change can be nerve racking. What style do I want? Will it look good with my face shape? Will my hair texture work with that style? All of these
AHH! My hair turned green from the pool water! What do I do?
It's that time of year when everyone spends their days basking in the sun and swimming in the pool. It's the worst is when you had so much fun but you realize that
What is this… Pinterest? Why do I want to follow YOU salon?
Many of you may have heard about the new internet craze Pinterest. You may be wondering, "Why would I ever want to join another internet site that falls under the category of social
Mannequin massacre (for charity)
YOU salon, Inc is partnering with other local area hair salons to donate your hair to Matter of Trust to help the gulf region! Matter of Trust accepts donations of hair, fur, and nylons to
YOU salon joining with other local areas salons to help gulf region!
YOU salon, Inc is partnering with other local area hair salons to donate your hair to Matter of Trust to help the gulf region! Matter of Trust accepts donations of hair, fur, and nylons to
Oh no! Winter Hair!
Yes, it is that time of year again. The heat comes on, the humidity drops and we feel the affects in every aspect of our lives and especially in our hair, nails and